Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Starcraft Heavens Devils Characters

321st Colonial Rangers Battalion, Heavens Devil's:

Jim Raynor (the main character): Jim Raynor was born on a farming planet called Shiloh located in the fringe worlds of the Koprulu sector. after a while a war was started which was called the guild wars this was a fight between between the confederate government and the Kel-morian combine a group of mining guilds who believed they should have controll of the mining economy. During the Guild wars fuel was short food was scarce and everone was living in fear that their planet would be the next warzone. to help his family during these horrid times Jim joined the confederate marines. During the first few weeks of being in the military Jim showed courage and leadership skills which got him promoted to lance corpral. Jim meet several new people during his time as a marine some became friends some became enemies. Jim was also commended for several acts of heroism, he was able to warn POWs in a Kel-Morian prision camp about a strike party coming to free them by posing as a recently captured Kel-Morian Hellhound pilot, he was caught shortly after and tied to a cross outside of the camp as a display, even so he was still able to alert the POWs about the strike force and was also freed along with the prisoners. Jim also got caught in some bad situations, during a Kel-Morian attack on the base tychus noticed several civilian trucks where being loaded with equipment by teh enemy so they aquired the trucksand drove them to a chappel to hide them relizing that there wasnt ans easy way getting out of the situation Jim suggested that they should bring back one of the trucks and sell the rest. Jim Raynor also relised that the military wasnt as perfect as they made it out to be he found out during one of his missions that they where taking marines and resoscializing them into mindless drones and using them as cannon folder he also found that their commanding officer tryed to rig their suits to shut down their movement. he was assighned his last mission where he and his team was supposed to capture a train at a small starport but during which Vanderspool tried to have them killed Jim shot several bullets into his face then took the rest of his team put of the zone with a Ship. after the war Jim and Tychus became outlaws raiding military shipments for the time nobody was able to stop them.

Tychus Findley (squad leader): thychus findley was born on Mar Sara in a quiet town one that only has people pass and go by the age of twelve he ran away from home never looking back. During the early Guild Wars he joined the army and quickly became a staff seargent he was always interested in the military it was corrupt and toke advantage of the weak and innocent this interest got him put into a squad as the head of intellegence where he learned about military shipment routs and goods captured by Kel-Morians. Working towards his early retirement plan Tychus figured that several weapon supplies where not registered so he made a deal with Staff Seargent Calvin to sell the unaccounted weapon stashes. Not realizing that he was Calvin had some plans of his own Tychus and his squad where assighned a suicidal missio. they where put in a Kel-Morian marked vehicle and where supposed to attack a civilian dissidents house but the seargents tactics was getting his men killedso Tychus punched the seargent and takes his men back to base. As a result to this tychus is demoted to private and is cort marshaled at Military Correctional Facility-R-156 a converted rock mine after being released he was sent to fort howe where he was given a second change by the CO of the base Colonel Javier Vanderspool. and was put in charge of raynor and his friends. they where then put into the Heaven's Devils a squad tasked with learning how to controll the new battle suit capable of leaping long distances and slow a free fall from a dropship he learned how to use the suit fairly quickly. during their last mission to take Kersey's starport Vanderspool betrayed them and tryed to get them killed the squads retreat was a disaster as several members of the team where killed only three members of the squad survived. after the war he took up a profession of rading with jim raynor after a while they where eventually caught tychus took the fall for raynor and was sent to a prison in cryo stasis for seven years.

Ryk Kyd(Ark Bennet -the sniper): Ark Bennet was born the son of Errol and Lisa Bennet members of the old families decendents of the commanders of Nagglfar. To his father Ark was more of a spare heir while his mother wanted him to be a Scholar neither of these life styles interested him. In 2488 the old families held their annual reunion in Tarsonis city which Ark was forced to attend by his father Hoping he would learn about the family buisness. Ark slipped away from the gathering into Hacker's flat where he met Laura Possy a grifter. she lured him into a bar and gave him beer laced with drugs. after Ark was nocked out she checked his wallet and id, after figuring out that he was the son of an old familie member she flipped hopping to erase the evidence she sold him to a military recruiter. When Ark woke he found himself in a military sytem runner and the fact that his name had been changed to Ryk Kydd he tried to convince Seargent Harly Ross of who he really was but was told that if he passed basic training they might be able to check up on if he really was Ark Bennet right after he was told to do thirty pushups for waisting time. during combat training Ryk found that he was initially good at something, sniping with an oversized rifle. He told one of his trainers about his real identity Lionel Macaby but reluctent about losing a trainee who would earn a sniper qualification before he even passed basic training he passed the case up to his divisionol commander. Ryk was put on punishment detail along with Jim Raynor and Hank harnek they became friend after Ryk reprogramed a maintenece bot to do their work. Jim and Hank took it upon themselves to teach Ryk about life outside of the families. the night before their graduation they when to a bar to celibrate but they manage to get into a fight with the fleet commanders they then escape by stealing a vulture bike but managed to crash it into a police headquarters. After the graduation the recruits where sent to for howie for further training. he along with Jim Raynor and the others where put into Heaven's Devils During their last mission of the assault on the star port Ryk was one of the three surviving members. after the guild wars he was a gun for hire, he grew a cold personality not carring about who's life he took. Ryk was killed when Vanderspool hired a mercenary to kill him the mercenary to Ryk's head and presented it to Vanderspool